Xiao Ao Jiang Hu
CCTV 2001

Welcome to an English site of Xiao Ao Jiang Hu-CCTV 2001!. It is also very well known as Mainland SoD(State of Divinity) 2001.
We are two Jin Yong fans, who are very impressed with this awesome adaptation. Since an English site on XAJH 2001 is so rare out there, we decided to make one and we'll try to make this site as informative as it can be! So, let us : Lingz13 and Yanie, now, present to you a site that is fully dedicated to one of the best Jin Yong adaptations that has ever been made!^O^ Feel free to surf around, and we sincerely hope that you will enjoy your stay here just as much as we have enjoyed making this site. Last but not least, don't forget to sign our guestbook!!^^
Since we have seen some websites that have used our
contents without asking for our permission, we'd just
like to make this clear.
All writing contents (with the exception of some by
contributors, whom we will state the names) on this site strictly belong to Lingz13 and Yanie. We'd highly appreciate it, if you do not
use them for your own website. If you really need it,
then you can just link the page to your site.
Most of the pictures are also specially captured by both of
us. If you want to use any of our pictures on the
site, then please, do politely inform us first. We'd
be extremely grateful.
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Last update : January, 2nd 2004