
January, 2nd 2004
Hiya! Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Its 2004 now! ^-^ Btw, in regards to the synopsis section, we are sorry to say that the updates on that section will be delayed for a while due to time contraint and other commitments. As of now, we are pleased to annouce that
- The Novel Comparison Section has been updated. Check it out!
Hopefully, more updates coming soon!!^O^
December, 19th 2003
A bit update today^^
- Added review for Smiling Proud Wanderer TVB 1984!
December, 6th 2003
Some updates today!
- Added synopsis for Eps 33-36. Check them out.
- Added 2 new links in the Linkage section
The next update is most probably in late December!^_^
November 29th, 2003
For now, we have only updated the CASTS section. However there will be more to come!
In December, we will finish the SYNOPSIS section...hopefully! x)
In January, we will update the NOVEL section, add Smiling Proud Wanderer 1984 review, and will also add a new section which will contains of screencaps of memorable moments in XAJH01 serial ^-^
August, 26th 2003
More updates!!
- Added 1 more scene's dialogue in The Mischevious Wanderer and The Holy Maiden - Part 2! Check it out! Its the second to last's dialogue...just scroll down...^^
August, 22nd 2003
Another updates!!!!=^o^=
- Fixed the Multimedia section!!^^
- The Wallpapers section have been replaced with Posters section, ...I hope its okay with you! x) Posters are actually has the same size with wallpapers, the difference is...it is in JPG format.....we're very sorry for the inconvinience...we did this, so we can save up more space in our server...
- The Mischevious Wanderer and The Holy Maiden section is updated! Added the PART 2, at last!!! More romantic scenes of Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying! I guarantee, you'll looove this couple more after you read Part 2 of this section!!!^o^ Go there now!
August, 15th 2003
We have
- Added synopsis for Episodes 31 and 32!
Hopefully, more updates coming soon!!^O^
August, 10th 2003
Hi! We are pleased to announce that we have finally
- Added synopsis for Episodes 28, 29 and 30!
Hopefully, more updates coming soon!!^O^
June, 17th 2003
As of now, we have
- Added a well-written detailed review by TristeCoeur in the Analysis/Reviews Section.
Hopefully, more updates coming soon!!^O^
February, 23th 2003
Hi! Once again, we are terribly sorry for the slow updates. Both Yanie and Lingz13 have been too preoccupied with school work to devote more time to this site. Thus, perhaps the next time where there will be major updates would be in around June. We can't promise but we would defintely try our best! Thanks for your patience and understanding. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continuous support for this site and also providing valuable feedback. Every word is a form of encouragement and motivation. Thanks!!
As for now,we have only:
- Revamped the Linkage Section (removing broken links and adding new ones)
July, 31th 2002
It has been some time since the last update. So sorry, it is because both of us are very busy now. But don't worry, we promise there will still be more to come in future! As for now,we have:
- Added synopsis for episode 27!
Hopefully, more updates coming soon!!^O^
March, 29th 2002
Hey, guys! We happily announce that we have added more!^^
- Added Zuo Lengchan's character introduction
- At last, we added synopsis for episode 26!!^_^
- We've also added a new section! WALLPAPERS section! Feel free to download it^^
Hopefully, more updates coming soon!!^O^
March, 23rd 2002
As promised!!^^ These are what have been added:
- Added characters' appearance comments and added chars' introduction for Qu Yang and Liu Zhengfeng...all in the CASTS section!!^^
- Added novel's plot comparison in 'The Novel Comparison' section!^^
Hopefully, more updates coming soon!!^O^
March, 18th 2002
Wow...it has been 3 months, isn't it?!O_o Well..just would like to clarify, guys! That we ARE NOT dead! =P The site is also NOT dead! We just got caught up with our daily life, and almost have no time for this site anymore. But, don't worry...soon we will be back, continuing and finishing what we have started on this site ^_^ We hope, by next week, we'll update the site with characters introduction, characters' appearance comments, and novel PLOT comparison ^_^ As for now:
- Well...only got the MULTIMEDIA section back online!!^^ All of the links in the Multimedia section should be working now, pls, try it^^
December, 13th 2001
We are back!!^O^ We're sooooo sorry for not updating for one and a half months...so sorry...but, we're back now! And we'll try to finish the un-finish section...and hopefully, on the next update we'll put up wallpapers!! Yep!!^_^ As for now the update is only :
- Synopsis for episode 24 and 25 are available now!
- Added a picture of Ren Yingying and Tian Boguang on the SOD Taiwan 2000 section, thanks to Roweina!
October, 24th 2001
Surprise, surprise!
- The synopsis section is back alive!^^ Episode 21, 22, and 23 are available now!
- Have to take off some broken links on the Analysis/Reviews section >_<
October, 19th 2001
Another minor updates ^_^
- Added SOD TVB 1996 review written by Moinllieon!^^
- New link on the Linkage section to the MP3 page of SOD 2001 themesongs, probably what most of you have been looking for!!
October, 12th 2001
We'd like to apologize first, because it's been a month since the last update and still...we can only get to do minor updates >_< VERY sorry! Lingz13 got caught up with assignments and finals, while Yanie is preparing herself for the final exams in high school to get through college. I hope you all understand the condition, meanwhile here are the updates we've done :
- Opened a new section!!^_^ The Making of The Serial! Loads of interesting facts on the series!
- Two new links to SOD 2001 discussion topics on the Analysis/Reviews section...
I also would like to encourage you to POST on the Discussion Forum!!!^O^ Please, people, make SOD 2001 Forum merrier!!^_^
Oh, yes...since Lingz13 facing up her finals these days, so I really hope you'd be patient enough to wait 'til December for the episode synopsis updates...
September, 14th 2001
Sorry for the delay!! But, I got bunch of updates for you right now!!^O^
- Uploaded synopsis for Episode 17-20!^O^
- At last!! Mischevious Wanderer and Holy Maiden contents are available with dialogue and their romantic scenes!!^^ Just click on 'Part 1' on the bottom of 'The Mischevious Wanderer and The Holy Maiden' page!!
- And, also...the Discussion Forum is open!!! Check it out!!!!^O^
- Fixed Multimedia links!!^^
- Added a link to a cool site on the Linkage section
September, 1st 2001
There are several updates we've done here!!^_^
- Uploaded synopsis for Episode 16!
- Added two pics on Episode 5 and one pic on episode 16
- Added few comments on Lingz13 analysis in the Analysis section
- Added an article on the Related Articles section
- Fixed the link to Xiao Ao Jiang Hu English translation novel in the Linkage section
- And at last...The Novel Comparison section is done!!^O^ Written by Moinllieon! Check it out!
August, 26th 2001
We're very sorry for the delay...lately Lingz13 & Yanie have been on a very busy schedule...so, even now...we can only do minor updates :
- Uploaded synopsis for Episode 15!
- And, we're very sorry...still can't get Themesong 5 uploaded >_< Something wrong with the server =(((
That's it for now...hopefully...more next week!^^
August, 11th 2001
Weekly updates!! Only 2 sections updated...but, it took lots of efforts for the both of us for these updates ^_~
- ALL the links on the CASTS section are AVAILABLE!! None-broken links anymore! Completed with characters' background and actors/actresses profiles!!
- Episode synopsis are available up 'til episode 14! Have to check it out...it gets near and near excitement ^_^
I'm sorry, but I haven't suceed in uploading Themesong 5 =(((( There's something wrong with my Geocities server...I think I have to look for another server...~_~
August, 4th 2001
AT LAST!! I'm able to be online!^O^ So sorry for the delay, guys...my internet account was disconnected before, so I can't go online >_< But, everything's fine now! And, got major updates, too...since me and Lingz13 have prepared lots of new things for the updates in the whole 2 weeks!!
- Xu Qing's Profile and brief biography is up! Just click on RYY's pic on the CASTS section!
- ScreenCaps up 'till episode 40(finale) are available!! And also, synopsis up 'til episode 8! Check it out!
- Four interesting articles revolving around Xiao Ao 2001 are added to the Related Articles section! Read it if you want to know how successful our favorite serial is, in Asia ^_^
- Opened the Multimedia section! There are only sound clips right now....and, I'm very sorry...but for "Themesong 5", I haven't been able to upload it yet, so please be patient...I'll be keep trying, though...
- FACTS on SOD TCS version are added!
- Opinions and brief infos on the movies, Swordsman I and Swordsman II are also added!
Enjoy the updates!!!^O^
July, 20th 2001 : 11 PM
More updates ^_^
- Li Yapeng's Profile is up! Just click on LHC's pic on the CASTS section!
- ScreenCaps for Episode 31 & 32 are up!
- The Mischevious Wanderer & The Holy Maiden section is up!! A section dedicated to LHC & RYY...
- Also, opened Linkage section...
I'm sooo sorry, but apparently the sound clips have to wait 'till next week >_< Sorry!
July, 20th 2001 : 5 PM
Major updates, ladies and gentlemen!!^O^
- Added 8 casts pictures on the CASTS section...still broken links, though...you have to wait a little longer for that >_< Sorry!
- Synopsis are available up to Episode 4! ScreenCaps available to Episode 30! Catch all these on Episode Synopsis & ScreenCaps section!
- Added two links to SOD 2001 Discussion Topic Thread on Analysis/Reviews section ^_^
- The Legendary Swordsman I & II(XAJH movies adaptation) section is opened! Synopsis and with lots of screencaps!!^^
Hopefully, tonight...I'll update more major stuff! Some of them are these below :
- A special section dedicated to Linghu Chong and Ren Ying Ying!
- Five sound clips of SOD CCTV 2001 that will be available on the Multimedia section^^
Just wait!
July, 15th 2001
Turns out I'm able to update today!!^^ Episode Synopsis & Screencaps is up!!^O^ Added links to SOD 2001 Discussion Topic Threads on Analysis/Reviews Section. Also, added TCS 2000 casts names! More will come next week : Legendary Swordsman I & II Movie Reviews and a special section dedicated to LHC & RYY!!!^_^
July, 9th 2001
Yanie, the updator, will be away for 2 weeks, so this site won't be update for that length of time. Sorry! For now, the updates we've done are adding pictures to : Casts, SOD TVB 84 and SOD TCS 2000!
July, 8th 2001
Grand Opening of the Site!!!!!^O^ We are so happy we made it to this far!!^^ So far, the sections available are : Serial Info, Analysis, Related Articles, SOD TVB 84, SOD TCS 2000, SOD Taiwan 2000, Webmistresses' Personal Datas, and of course...don't forget to sign the guestbook!!!^O^ Hope you have fun here!